Innovation Centers
At ADS Softek, we have always seen education as a priority area and believe that
technology offers new educational possibilities that can help empower students.
Technology is the tool, the catalyst, not an end in itself. Institutional effectiveness
is not just being empowered with technology but also a culture made of people who
are collaboratively using technology to improve processes. Precisely keeping these
reasons in our minds we have come up with a unique concept to encourage students
to think out of the box. This out of the box thinking will help students to innovate
things which help their daily lives of people surrounding them in that area or across
country. Innovations do not mean research, innovations could be a simple improvements
or new solutions to what we do on a regular basis. For more details,
Learn To Work Program
The current academic curriculum provides a way to enhance our technical skill set,
but the emphasis on practical knowledge is less, which is leading to lots of students
graduating without a prospect of being absorbed quickly in the industry. There are
lots of reports which clearly say that only 18% of student population is employable.
But if you remove the urban colleges from this pool, the percentage drops to a lower
number. So how do we come up with this problem which is burning in many institutes,
managements and parents in general? For more details,